Latest News and Tutorials from The Dressage Connection!
Discover what sets the Tota Comfort System apart from the average saddle! Charles Tota, the inventor of the Tota Comfort System and founder of The Dressage Connection, breaks down the anatomy of the standard saddle tree and how his designs have created more freedom and comfort for the hRead now
How to Fit a Tota Comfort System Noseband
Read nowThe objective of the Tota Comfort Noseband is to eliminate the forward momentum of the bridle relieving poll pressure and changing the angle of the cheek pieces so as to bypass the TMJ joint and many of the delicate facial...
Pan Am Games, US FOC, & CHIO Aachen: TCS Bridles Connect Performance and Comfort
Read nowLamplight Equestrian Center, Chicago, IL (August 29, 2019) - From Aachen to Chicago to Lima, some of dressage's recent Pan Am Medalists, international superstars, and National Champions are connecting performance and comfort in the form of their innovative bridles. The...
New Arrivals: Montauk, Freeport, Bimini, Browbands, and TCS Evolution Saddle at The Dressage Connection
Read nowWellington, FL (May 8, 2019) - The Dressage Connection's line up of innovative equestrian products just added a few new names to the list. Inspired by founder Charles Tota's 20 years of experience with saddle fit and tack design, the...
How to put together a Crank Strap
Read nowThe Dressage Connection's Charles Tota demonstrates the correct method to assemble the Crank Strap on a Crank Bridle.
Are you damaging your saddle with the way you clean and store it?
Read nowTack cleaning, and saddle cleaning more specifically is a task that most riders would hate to admit that is not high on their priority list. In this video we take a quick look at some of the things you might...
What is the difference between a Tota Comfort System Nose Band and a regular noseband?
Read nowThe Objective of the Tota Comfort Noseband is to eliminate the forward momentum of the bridle relieving poll pressure and changing the angle of the cheek pieces so as to bypass the TMJ joint and many of the delicate facial...
How to Check if Your Saddle Needs to be Reflocked or Restuffed
Read nowSaddle reflocking is important to keeping your horse sounds and comfortable in his or her back while riding. This is a quick and easy way to check if you saddle is in need of a saddle fitter to help restuff...
Wither Tracing with The Dressage Connection
Read nowThe Dressage Connection's Charles Tota demonstrates how to create a wither tracing to provide the perfect fit for a new saddle.
Simplicity: Newest Bridle Design from The Dressage Connection
Read nowWellington, FL (April 12, 2019) - The next generation of Tota Comfort System innovation is taking it back to basics. The first of four new bridles to hit the market, the TCS Simplicity combines the innovative Tota Comfort design and...
Saddle Fitting Nightmares Alleviated at The Dressage Connection
Read nowWellington, FL (March 10, 2019) - How many saddle fittings have you had and yet your saddle still doesn’t fit? Are your vet and chiropractor still saying that your horse’s back is sore from an ill-fitting saddle? Turn those saddle...