Tota Comfort Noseband

$250.00 USD
Noseband Color
Noseband Size

The Objective of the Tota Comfort Noseband is to eliminate the forward momentum of the bridle relieving poll pressure and changing the angle of the cheek pieces so as to bypass the TMJ joint and many of the delicate facial nerves along the horse’s face.

This noseband can be fitted to most bridles, you may need a converter strap to attach the noseband to your existing bridle. The 3cm noseband is 1.75 inches wide and has 1/2 inch buckles. This noseband accepts our totally removable flash adapter! Flash is sold separately.  

The Tota Comfort Noseband improves feel for the rider and comfort for the horse by relieving poll pressure and helping alleviate TMJ joint irritation. The Tota Comfort Noseband combines anatomical expertise with elite tack design to revolutionize the fit, function, and performance of the bridle.

Learn more about this product on the Tota Comfort Blog.